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Madagascar has grown steadily poorer over the past 30 years, with the proportion of the Malagasy population living in absolute poverty having increased from under one-half in the early 1960s to 70 percent in the 1990s. Because poverty reduction is essential to ensuring social stability, political stability and sustained economic growth, a national war on poverty—the "lutte national contre la pauvreté"—is the centerpiece of economic policy objectives in Madagascar.
Photo from Madagascar
The aim of the joint Cornell-PACT proposal is to improve the policy-making process in Madagascar by:
  1. Increasing the capacity of Malagasy institutions to undertake sound economic analysis that is linked to current issues and used in the policy process; and
  2. Improving public information and dialogue.
Six goals identified to achieve this objective are:
  • increased capacity of Malagasy institutions to undertake sound economic analysis;
  • improved capacity to disseminate and integrate economic analysis into public dialogue and the policy process;
  • increased demand for economic analysis;
  • increased availability and use of focused information on key policy issues;
  • increased quantity and quality of civil society and press interventions in public dialogue; and
  • improved dialogue between actors on key policy issues.

You can read the full research section of the Ilo proposal, available here in PDF format:

Proposal (PDF)
(Acrobat Reader should open to display the PDF form. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you can download it free from the Adobe web site.)

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