DATA The Commune Census of by the Ilo program of Cornell University in collaboration with FOFIFA and INSTAT: A commune census in Madagascar was organized by the Ilo program of Cornell University at the end of 2001. The survey was organized in collaboration with the National Center for Applied Research for Rural Development (FOFIFA) and the National Statistical Institute (INSTAT). The census was financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the sectoral transport program (PST) financed by the World Bank. Field data collection happened during the period of September 2001 until December 2001. One hundred enumerators went in teams of two persons to the communes. The survey method was based on a focus group interview. While an effort was done to make the focus group as representative as possible of the population of the commune, it is possible that certain groups are under- or over-represented. However, this would only affect the subjective questions that were asked. The survey allows for a unique database on Madagascar as 1385 of the 1395 communes have been visited. This is the first time that such an elaborate dataset has been constructed at the national level. Only 10 communes could not be visited due to insecurity and communication problems. The dataset that is now available contains more than 100 variables at the commune level. The variables represent the level of development, overall characteristics of the commune, public services, physical and socio-economic infrastructure, production and insecurity risk, agricultural production and livestock, transport, social capital and welfare. All variables are presented in an MS Excel worksheet to make them as accessible as possible to a broad public. Download data (Excel file). Download Notes to Census (MS Word file in French). |
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