POLICY BRIEFS DYNAMICS IN SOCIAL SERVICE DELIVERY AND THE RURAL ECONOMY OF MADAGASCAR: Descriptive Results of the 2004 Commune Survey April 2005 Introduction and Executive Summary by Bart Minten, Nathalie Francken, and Eliane Ralison Chapter 1: Price and Welfare Dynamics in Rural Madagascar by Bart Minten and Eliane Ralison Chapter 2: Dynamics in Primary Education: 2000-2004 by Nathalie Francken and Bart Minten Chapter 3: Dynamics in the Health Sector: 2002-2004 by Bart Minten and Eliane Ralison Chapter 4: Dynamics in the Agricultural Sector: 2001-2004 by Bart Minten and Eliane Ralison Chapter 5: Security and Perceptions on Justice in Rural Madagascar by Nathalie Francken and Bart Minten CONFERENCE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, SOCIAL SERVICE DELIVERY AND POVERTY IN MADAGASCAR June 11, 2003, Antananarivo Over the length of the project, Cornell University has worked closely with INSTAT (the National Institute for Statistics) on research concerning the linkages between economic development, access to social services and poverty. On June 11th, 2003, Cornell University and INSTAT organized jointly a conference to present the main results of their research. The conference was attended by more than 100 people involved in economic research and policy making. Research on different topics was presented. Briefs published from this conference can be found here. CONFERENCE: AGRICULTURE AND POVERTY IN MADAGASCAR March 20, 2003, Antananarivo Over the length of the project, Cornell University has also worked closely with FOFIFA (the National Institute on Agricultural Research) on research concerning the agriculture-poverty nexus. On March 20th, 2003, Cornell University and FOFIFA organized jointly a conference to present the main results of their research. The conference was attended by more than 100 people involved in agricultural research and policy making. Research on different topics was presented. Briefs and maps published from this conference can be found here. |
CRISIS BRIEFS Policy briefs for the ILO project were also prepared in response to political crisis. Due to a dispute on the outcome of presidential elections, Madagascar had been in the grip of a political crisis in the first half of the year 2002. General strikes and roadblocks on major national roads have hit hard on the economy of Madagascar and therefore on the welfare of people. Recognizing that emergency measures would be necessary and to better guide these measures, Cornell University prepared the following series of timely short technical notes that monitored and studied the economic and social impacts of the crisis. POST-CRISIS BRIEFS After the crisis, one of the studies that was identified during the project was an analysis of the impact of the political crisis on the economy and on social service delivery. As primary data on the situation post-crisis were scarce, the Ilo program, in collaboration with INSTAT and FOFIFA, organized a survey in November-December, 2002, in 150 communes, 400 schools and 200 health centers in all Malagasy provinces. The stratified sampling frame was set up in such a way to be representative of the situation at the national and provincial level. During this survey, data on different themes were collected. Each theme was the subject of a post-crisis policy brief. These crisis and post-crisis briefs are available in French and English versions, and in PDF format. The PDF format can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat reader, which is available free from the Adobe website. PACT Madagascars monthly newsletters, Ilo Now are available on-line here. |
1.1. | Accessibilité et utilisation des engrais chimiques à Madagascar Jean-Claude Randrianarisoa (FOFIFA) et Bart Minten (Cornell University) |
1.2 | Quelques appréciations sur la diffusion actuelle de certaines variétés de riz Jean-Claude Randrianarisoa (FOFIFA) |
1.3. | Le système de riziculture intensif à Madagascar: situation actuelle et perspectives davenir Christine M. Moser (Cornell University) et Chrisopher B. Barrett (Cornell University) |
1.4. | Bénéfices et contraintes dans ladoption des techniques de conservation des sols sur les Hautes-Terres malgaches Lalaina Randrianarison (Cornell University) |
1.5. | Relations terres agricoles pauvreté à Madagascar Bart Minten (Cornell University) et Rolland Razafindraibe (FOFIFA) |
1.6. | La maindoeuvre agricole à Madagascar Bart Minten (Cornell University) et Lalaina Randrianarison (Cornell University) |
2.1. | Analyse spatiale de la production rizicole malgache Jean-Claude Randrianarisoa (FOFIFA) |
2.2. | Production agricole, surplus agricole commercialisé et pauvreté Bart Minten (Cornell University) |
2.3. | Déterminants de la productivité rizicole pour les petites et grandes exploitations agricoles: cas des Hautes Terres de Madagascar Jean-Claude Randrianarisoa (FOFIFA) |
2.4. | Etude sur la formation des prix du riz local à Madagascar Bart Minten (Cornell University) et Lalaina Randrianarison (Cornell University) |
2.5. | Les effets des changements du prix de riz sur le bien-être de la population rurale Johan Mistiaen (Banque Mondiale) |
3.1. | Les revenus extra-agricoles et la pauvreté Lalaina Randrianarison (Cornell University) |
3.2. | Elevage et pauvreté à Madagascar Eliane Ralison (FOFIFA) |
3.3. | Eliognement, routes, agriculture et pauvreté David Stifel (Cornell University), Bart Minten (Cornell University) et Lalaina Randrianarison (Cornell University) |
3.4. | Risques, production agricole et pauvreté Milasoa Cherel-Robson (SICIAV-FAO) |
3.5. | Durabilité de lenvironnement, agriculture et pauvreté Bart Minten (Cornell University) et Eliane Ralison (FOFIFA) |
3.6. | Leffet de la déforestation sur les versants sur la productivité des bas-fonds Jurg Brand (DEC), Tim Healy (Aquaterre), Andy Keck (IRG), Bart Minten (Cornell University) et Jean-Claude Randrianarisoa (FOFIFA) |
4.1. | La voix des clients: priorités de développement daprès une approche participative Milasoa Cherel-Robson (SICIAV-FAO) et Bart Minten (Cornell University) |
4.2. | Analyse des impacts de la politique agricole et des infrastructure sur la pauvreté à Madagascar David Stifel (Cornell University) et Jean-Claude Randrianarisoa (FOFIFA) |
4.3. | Les effets des investissements dans lagriculture et les effets sur la pauvreté Zaza Randriamiarana (INSTAT) et Tiaray Razafimanantena (INSTAT) |
4.4. | Agriculture et pauvreté à Madagascar: synthèse des connaissances et implications pour la politique agricole Christopher B. Barrett (Cornell University) |
1.1. | Etat de la pauvreté en 2001 Mamisoa Razakamanantsoa (INSTAT) |
1.2 | Dynamique de la pauvreté à Madagascar, 1993-1999 et Dynamique de la pauvreté à Madagascar, 1999-2001 Patrick Rakotomahefa (INSTAT) |
1.3. | Cartographie de la pauvreté à Madagascar Tiaray Razafimanantena (INSTAT) |
1.4. | Bien-être et sécurité alimentaire: perceptions après-crise
des focus groups communaux en milieu rural
(Milasoa Chérel-Robson, SICIAV-FAO/University of Sussex) |
1.5. | Impact de la crise politique sur la pauvreté rurale: résultats dune enquête auprès des ménages agricoles Claude Randrianarisoa (FOFIFA) |
2.1. | Lévolution de laccès aux services sociaux à Madagascar et Lévolution de laccès aux services sociaux à Madagascar de 1993 à 1999 Mamisoa Razakamanantsoa (INSTAT) |
2.2. | Education et santé: voie propice pour sortir de la pauvreté Iarivony Randretsa, (INSTAT) |
2.3. | Valeur économique de leau de qualité améliorée à Madagascar Zaza Randriamiarana (INSTAT) |
2.4. | Laprès-crise dans le secteur de léducation: impact de lannulation du paiement des frais de scolarité Lalaina Randrianarison (Programme Ilo) |
2.5. | Suivi et évaluation du secteur santé post-crise: impact du changement de la politique sur la
participation financière des usagers Bart Minten (Programme Ilo) |
3.1. | Sources de revenus et pauvreté Lalaina Randrianarison (Programme Ilo) |
3.2. | Eloignement, routes, agriculture et pauvreté Bart Minten (Programme Ilo) |
3.3. | La voix des clients: les priorités de développement daprés une approche participative Milasoa Chérel-Robson (SICIAV-FAO/University of Sussex) |
3.4. | Moteurs économiques pour la réduction de la pauvreté à Madagascar Zaza Randriamiarana (INSTAT), Tiaray Razafimanantena (INSTAT), Steve Haggblade (Cornell University) |
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